Thursday, November 26, 2009

Working with Cookies using Javascript

Here is some links to working with cookies using javascript

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Small Javascript Functions

Here is some small JavaScript Functions
(1) Convert text to lower - sometext.toLowerCase();

(2) Convert text to upper - sometext.toUpperCase();

(3) Find Index of - sometext.indexOf('w')

(4) Find Last Index of - sometext.lastIndexOf('a')

(5) Find Character at - sometext.charAt(5)

(6) Find Length - sometext.length

(7) Find Substring - substring(first_index,last_index)

(8) Find Character at - sometext.substr(4,8)

(9) Split the word
var b = 'I am a JavaScript hacker.'
var temp = new Array();
temp = b.split(' ');

(10) onclick=";" to select all text in textbox

(11) oncontextmenu="return false;" to hide context menu

(12) ondragstart="return false;" restrict user to drag

(13) ondrop="return false;" restrict user to drop dragged content

(14) white-space: -moz-pre-wrap; to wrap text for mozilla

(15) word-wrap:break-word; to wrap text for IE

(16) document.getElementById('Text34').removeAttribute("readonly","") removes the attribute of control named Text34

(17) document.getElementById('Text34').setAttribute("readonly","readonly"); sets the attribute value for control named Text34

(18) window.showModalDialog('', window ,'dialogHeight:50px;;dialogWidth:800px;dialogLeft:10;dialogTop:250')  show dialog box in ID

(19) a=a?a:window.event?window.event:""; //a is event passed in function and viewed both in IE and Mozilla.

(20) "disabled" will disabled the control

(21) readonly="readonly" for the textbox

(22) window.status will show the status we have applied --> onmouseover="window.status='hello';return true"

(23) event.screenX shows the screen X position

(24) event.screenY shows the screen Y position

(25) check which browser viewing navigator.appName == "Microsoft Internet Explorer",navigator.appName=="Netscape"

(26) alert('test') this will show a dialog box showing the message

(27) to use Ceil function  - Math.Ceil(value) 'where value is value to be ceiled

(28) to find the dropdownlist and its selected value as well as test
    var comp=document.getElementById('dropdownlistid')
        comp.options[comp.selectedIndex].text; 'finds the selected text value of the dropdownlist
    comp.options[comp.selectedIndex].value; 'finds the value of the dropdownlist selected item

(29) replace text
    text = text.replace(/java/, "not java");
    -- REMOVING spaces from text
    text=" a s  d f ";
    text = text.replace(/\s+/g,'');

(30) change the page title
document.title = "This is the new page title.";
What if the page is inside a frameset? In that case just add parent to the front.
parent.document.title = "This is the new page title.";

Monday, November 9, 2009

IIS Database Manager

IIS Database Manager allows you to easily manage your local and remote databases from within IIS Manager. IIS Database Manager automatically discovers databases based on the Web server or application configuration and also provides the ability to connect to any database on the network. Once connected, IIS Database Manager provides a full array of administrative functionalities including managing tables, views, stored procedures and data as well as running ad hoc queries. IIS Database Manager provides support for Microsoft SQL Server and MySQL.

In addition, because IIS Database Manager is an extension of IIS Manager, administrators can securely delegate the management of databases to authorized local or remote users, without having to open additional management ports on the server.

(1) Using the IIS Database Manager : Managing and Maintaining IIS 7.0 : The Official Microsoft IIS Site

(2) Basics of the IIS Database Manager : Using the IIS Database Manager : Managing and Maintaining IIS 7.0 : The Official Microsoft IIS Site

(3) Working with Tables : Using the IIS Database Manager : Managing and Maintaining IIS 7.0 : The Official Microsoft IIS Site

(4) Working with Views : Using the IIS Database Manager : Managing and Maintaining IIS 7.0 : The Official Microsoft IIS Site

(5) Working with Stored Procedures : Using the IIS Database Manager : Managing and Maintaining IIS 7.0 : The Official Microsoft IIS Site

Download IIS Database Manager(x86) from here

Monday, November 2, 2009

Some Miscellaneous Links

Here is some miscellaneous links.
(1) ASCII HTML Codes - HTML Special Characters in the ASCII Set
(2) LDAP Attributes. Properties Active Directory Users Computers Distinguished name
(3) List of content management systems - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
(4) Edit Site
(5) [अ Type in Hindi]
(6) Hypertext Transfer Protocol -- HTTP/1.1
(7) Flip Text » Write Upside Down
(8) Google Chrome Frame - Google Code
(9) Download the Microsoft Web Platform
(10) Find out the size of a piece of text // ...because (byte)size matters!

(11) Dinky Page | Disposable pages for everyone
(12) ASP and HTML Code Aligner
(13) SQLFormat - Online SQL Formatting Service
(14) List of Microsoft Windows versions - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
(15) Maximum and Minimum Height and Width in Internet Explorer • Perishable Press
(16) Free Video Codes - Video Code Maker - Free Html Codes
(17) Free Online Barcode Generator: Create Barcodes for Free!
(18) - test any web page in any window size (19) TestSize: View Your Site in Different Resolutions
(19) Website Screenshot Thumbnail Service | ShrinkTheWeb
(20) collabedit
(21) - See You... In 20 Years! Make your face look old for free
(22) Visual Studio 2010 Keybinding Posters
(23) Dynamic Drive- FavIcon Generator
(24) Documentation and Tutorials
(25) PROMT - Free Online Translator and dictionary - English, German, French, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese (Brazilian) and Russian languages.
(26) CSS Drop Caps - Simple CSS Drop Caps in Web Pages
(27) Feedjit: Know when your friends and clients visit you
(28) : share your code snippets : follow your favorite developers : find coding help!
(29) Thumb Press | Tech Brains Powered by Caffeine.
(30) Mr. Data Converter
(31) Remote desktop connection manager
download from here
(32) Shutdown remote computer
(33) What is webclient service?    
(34) What is Webdav?
(35) Computer Hope's free computer help
(36) Create bootable USB
- How To Create A Bootable USB Drive From Your Windows CD
- How can I create a bootable USB drive with either Windows 7 or openSUSE?

- How to Create Bootable USB Drive to Install Windows Vista?
 - Gujarati Type Pad
(5) Gujarati Keyboard

- Hindi Type Pad

- Sql Server