Monday, October 18, 2010

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Some Links about Excel

Here is some links about various topics in excel.

- Named Range and Data Validations

TFS Tips n Tricks

Here is some links of Tips n Tricks of TFS.
(1) An Overview of Source Control in Visual Studio Team System

(2) TFS 2008 Tips and Tricks: Enable Get Latest on Check Out « Sushantp’s Weblog

(3) Prabir's Blog | Save Team Foundation Server Password

(4) Visual Studio Team Foundation Server-Use of Annotate Feature

(5) Tips and Tricks, Visual Studio ALM, and Team System by Neno Loje

(6) INDC Talk: Top Ten Tips for Team Foundation Server

(7) Sept 2010 TFS Power Tools Release Available's WebLog - Site Home - MSDN Blogs

(8) A Developer's Life: Visual Studio 2010/TFS 2010 Utility Roundup

(9) Connect to Tfs with defferent credentials

- Connect to TFS with different user credentials - Stack Overflow

- TFS Top Tip #2: Changing the Logged In User 

(10) TFS 2008 Web Access Report View Missing data

(11) TFS 2008 Web Access Report 100 record limitation

(12) Enable Visual Studio 2010 Online Template/Extension usage         

Unit Test With Visual Studio

Here is some link about Creating Unit Test with Visual Studio.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

ASP.NET Web Development Server

Here is some links that shows about ASP.NET Web Development Server

What is Visual Web Developer?

How to start ASP.NET Development Server from command prompt

OOPS/C# Related Links

Here is some links for the OOPS concepts.
(1) ASP.NET article index from

(2) Using Object-Orientation in ASP.NET : Overview

(3) in ASP.NET : Encapsulation

(4) Understanding Interfaces and Their Usefulness

(5) Using Object-Orientation in ASP.NET: Inheritance

(6) in ASP.NET: Polymorphism

(7) Abstract classes & methods

(8) Abstract Class versus Interface

(9) Method overloading# Tutorial

(10) Method Overriding in C#

(11) const, static and readonly at C# Online.NET (CSharp-Online.NET)

Difference between a constant and readonly variables/fields : (constant vs readonly)'s den...

(12) Generics in .NET 2.0

(13) System.Collections.Generic Namespace

An Introduction to C# Generics

Generic HashTable in C#.NET Forums

(14) The "Using" Statement in C#

C# Code Review# Using Statement - Try / Finally - IDisposable - Dispose() - SqlConnection - SqlCommand

Which is better, and when: using statement or calling Dispose() on an IDisposable in C#?

(15) var vs dynamic keyword in C# 4.0

C# 4.0-Dynamic Data Type, Difference between var and dynamic

(16) Indexer class in C#

(17) Yield statement in C#

(18) Partial Types, Class and Method in C#.NET 3.0/2.0

(19) DataSet Vs Datareader

(20) What is the difference between User Control and Custom Control

(21) The C# ?? null coalescing operator (and using it with LINQ)'s Blog

(22) Authentication and authorization in

(23) Application vs. AppDomain - Scott Forsyth's Blog
Enter the .Net AppDomain

(24) Understanding ASP.NET View State
What's better, a hidden form field or viewstate?

(25) Kodyaz Development Resources - Page.IsValid cannot be called before validation has taken place. It should be queried in the event handler for a control that has CausesValidation=True and initiated the postback, or after a call to Page.Validate.
Page.IsValid cannot be called before validation has taken place. It should be queried in the event handler for a control that has CausesValidation

(26) Regular Expression in C#
Regular Expressions Example

C# Regular Expression Recipes—Using Common Patterns at C# Online.NET (CSharp-Online.NET)

Regular Expressions Usage in C#

(27) An Intro to Constructors in C# - CodeProject

- Tips n Tricks for C#
(1) ASP.NET 2.0 Tips, Tricks, Recipes and Gotchas - ScottGu's Blog

(2) Simple ASP.NET 2.0 Tips and Tricks that You May (or may not) have Heard About - Dan Wahlin's WebLog

(3) Hidden Features of C#? - Stack Overflow

(4) C# 2010 - A look

(5) Simple Delegate Example ...

(6) Hidden Features of C#? - Stack Overflow

(7) C# 3.0/4.0 in a Nutshell - PredicateBuilder