Thursday, October 1, 2015

Working with kendo drag n drop

Here is some code for the working with drag n drop with kendo drag n drop. This is considered that you are already have your application with kendo enabled environment.

(A) HTML - Following code is your html initialization for the drag & drop object
- Drag Object

Drag Me

- Drop Object

Drop Here


(B) Script - Following code is your jquery function for initialization and drag n drop handling
- Drag object Initialization and event handling
    filter: "this:not(.disabled)",
    hint: function () {
        return "
Drop Me

    dragstart: startfuncion,
    dragend: endfunction,
    dragcancel: cancelfunction

- filter : this line of statement is responsible to disable any object during drag n drop so if you have filtered anything it will be get disable on time of drag and once you drop/cancel current operation it will be again enabled.

function startfuncion(e)
 //you can find your current object related information which is being dragged using e.currentTarget

function endfunction(e)
 //you can write your logic after event get end

function cancelfunction(e)
 //you can find your logic for drag cancel

- Drop object initialization and event handling
    dragenter: dropenterfunction,
    dragleave: dropleavefunction,
    drop: dropfunction,
    dragcancel: dropcancelfunction

function dropenterfunction(e)
 //you can find your logic for highlighting when draggable object enters in this region
function dropleavefunction(e)
 //you can find your logic for remove highlighting when draggable object leaves this region
function dropfunction(e)
 //you can find your logic for object which is dropped to this region
function dropcancelfunction(e)
 //you can find your logic for object which is dragged but was cancelled

Below is link for the kendo drag n drop demo and documentation for same
(1) Demo for Drag & Drop Component in Kendo UI jQuery framework

(2) Overview of DOM element Draggable functionality | Kendo UI Docs

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Working with Export to PDF in Kendo Grid

Here is some link to work with export to PDF in kendo grid

(A) PDF Export Demo: Export to PDF demo and documentation link 
(1) Grid / Export to PDF

(2) Walkthrough of the Grid Features and Behavior

(B) Kendo UI Export Options with Customizations: Export to PDF functionality in two different way you want to manipulate
(1) Kendo UI Drawing API Export functionality - Document Export

(2) Kendo UI PDF Export customizations - Page Layout

(C) Kendo Grid Export to PDF: Export to PDF with launcher which lets user to ask user if we export then it will ask user with open/save dialog
(1) Kendo UI Grid Export to Excel / PDF not working on IE9

(2) Kendo Grid Configuration for Export

Friday, January 9, 2015

Working with OData?

Open Data Protocol (OData) is a RESTful data access protocol initially defined by Microsoft. Here is some links that will help you to know more about what OData is and how to consume.

(1) Open Data Protocol

(2) OData Version 3.0 Core Protocol

(3) Introducing OData Data Access for the Web, the cloud, mobile devices, and more

(4) OData in ASP.NET Web API | The ASP.NET Site

Consume OData Service
(4) OData Services

(5) Consuming OData using .NET

(6) Calling an OData Service From a .NET Client

How it is differ from REST
(7) Difference between OData and REST web services

(8) How is oData different from a REST service?