Friday, October 23, 2009

Some Differences

Here is some links of the differences.
(1) Difference .net 2.0, 3.0 and 3.5 : .NET Base Class Library : .NET Development : MSDN Forums
(2) Difference B/w ItemCreated & ItemDataBound - ASP.NET Forums 
(3) VB/CSharp Difference
(4) Difference Server.Transfer and Response.Redirect 
(5) C# and VB.NET Comparison Cheat Sheet: ASP Alliance
(6) - what is the difference b/w abstract class and interface?
     - CodeProject: Abstract Class versus Interface. Free source code and programming help
(7) Difference between the out and ref type parameter - Vikram Lakhotia(8) - StringBuilder and String Concatenation
     - .NET Interview Questions. What is the difference between String and StringBuilder in .NET?
(9) - Difference between a constant and readonly variables/fields : (constant vs readonly) - Abhi's den...
     - const, static and readonly at C# Online.NET (CSharp-Online.NET)
(10) Application vs. AppDomain - Scott Forsyth's Blog
(11) difference between internal and protected internal.NET Forums
Difference between Web Service and WCF Service
(13) Tech Tips, Tricks & Trivia: ASP.NET MVC vs. Web Forms
(14) Difference between Arraylist and Generic List

- Sql Server

(1) SCOPE_IDENTITY() vs. @@IDENTITY diffefence
(2) SQL SERVER - Difference and Explanation among DECIMAL, FLOAT and NUMERIC « Journey to SQL Authority with Pinal Dave 
(3) SQL SERVER - Comparison : Similarity and Difference #TempTable vs @TempVariable « Journey to SQL Authority with Pinal Dave 
(4) Frequently Asked Questions - SQL Server Data Types

(1) Difference between struct and class in C#: (struct vs class)? 
(2) SQL 7.0 Vs 2000 Comparison
(3) Differences between SET and SELECT in SQL Server : Narayana Vyas Kondreddi's home page


(1) Ben Hall's Blog: Linq to SQL Stored procedure vs Functions

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