Wednesday, January 13, 2010


Here is some links about LINQ.
- LINQ Introduction
(1) Using LINQ with ASP.NET (Part 1) - ScottGu's Blog
(2) Introduction to LINQ
- LINQ with DataSet
(1) LINQ to DataSet Overview
(2) CodeProject: Usage of LINQ and Datasets in Compact Framework 3.5. Free source code and programming help
(3) ASP.NET Wiki: Data Access: LINQ: LINQ to DataSets
- LINQ with OrderBy
(1) Programmatically set the orderby and ascending/descending clause in a Linq statement - ASP.NET Forums
(2) Dynamic LINQ OrderBy - Stack Overflow
(3) Dynamic LINQ (Part 1: Using the LINQ Dynamic Query Library) - ScottGu's Blog
(4) Marco Russo : Use of Distinct and OrderBy in LINQ
- LINQ with Distinct
(1) Use Linq Distinct to get the distinct value in an array : Distinct « LINQ « C# / C Sharp
(2) Select distinct values in all nested collections using LINQ to objects? - Stack Overflow
(3) nested linq queries, how to get distinct values? - Stack Overflow
LINQ with CASE Statement
(1) LINQ To SQL - CASE Statements
(2) LINQ & CASE | Tech Off | Channel 9
- LINQ with SingleResult
(1) Unable to cast object of type 'SingleResult to datalist :,, datalist, linq, sql, cast
(2) Problem by calling stored procedure using LINQ
(3) Linq - Unable to cast object of type 'SingleResult`1[GetAdByIdResult]' to type 'GetAdByIdResult' - ASP.NET Forums
(4) Craig Stuntz’s Weblog : In LINQ, Don’t Use Count() When You Mean Any()
- LINQ Operations
(1) Generic Collections(T) Operations using C# 2.0 and VB.NET
(2) Rajan's Blog
(3) Add, Retrieve, and Remove items from Generic List | C# Collections and Generics | w3mentor
- LINQ with Contains
(1) Linq to SQL how to do "where [column] in (list of values)"
- Samples N Examples
(1) 101 LINQ Samples
(2) ASP.NET - How to loop through items in a CheckBoxList using LINQ and C#, ASP.NET & Web Development, C#,VB.NET,XAML,.NET
(3) Using let in LINQ to Objects – Performance killer if used wrong way
(4) Grouping with joins in a LINQ - ASP.NET Forums
(5) Ben Hall's Blog: Linq to SQL Stored procedure vs Functions
(6) Query Examples (LINQ to SQL)
(7) How to: Formulate Joins and Cross-Product Queries (LINQ to SQL)
(8) Hello - ASP.NET Forums
(9) Building LINQ Queries at Runtime in C# | Blog | TomasP.Net
(10) Calling functions in LINQ queries | Blog | TomasP.Net

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