Here are some workarounds for jqxGrid.
(A) For columns to customize below are some of the customized workaround
(1) To set customized header of column
renderer: columnrenderer
var columnrenderer = function (value) {
return '<div style="text-align: center; margin-top: 5px;">' + value + '</div>';
(2) To set customized cell value for items
cellsrenderer: cellsrenderer
var cellsrenderer = function (row, column, value) {
return '<div style="text-align: center; margin-top: 5px;">' + value + '</div>';
(3) To give class to cell row
cellclassname: "verticalAlign"
vertical-align: middle;
(4) To have column of type of checkbox,
columntype: "checkbox"
- in this case, the field associated with column must be a boolean
- there are many column types there like dropdownlist etc.
(5) To have filter type of boolean
filtertype: "bool"
(6) For boolean checkbox to filter
threestatecheckbox: true
(7) To make header text alignment
align: 'center'
(8) To format cell value
cellsformat: "dd/MM/yyyy"
(9) type: 'number' with
cellsformat: ‘p’
- to view column data in percentage
cellsformat: 'c'
- to view column data in $ sign
(10) To get any cell value
$("#grid").jqxGrid('getcellvalue', rowIndex, 'columnName');
(11) To set any cell value
$("#grid").jqxGrid('setcellvalue', rowIndex, "columnName", value);
(B) Grid Properties
(1) Set row height property of the grid
rowsheight: 30
(2) Set row height to auto height
autorowheight:true & autoheight:true
(3) Set grid column height
(4) To resize columns
columnsresize: true
(5) To enable paging for the grid
(6) To enable filter functionality
filterable: true
(7) To enable separate filter row
showfilterrow: false
(8) To enable sort functionality
sortable: true
(9) To enable groupable functionality
groupable: true
(10) To enable separate group row
showgroupsheader: true
(11) columns reordering for grid when there are multiple columns
(12) To edit single cell
(13) When to edit
(C) Dynamic
(1) set column property dynamically
$("#jqxgrid").jqxGrid('setcolumnproperty', 'columnName', 'width', 300);
(2) show/hide grid column
$("#jqxgrid").jqxGrid('hidecolumn', "columnName");
(3) cell endedit mode
$("#grid").jqxGrid('endcelledit', 'value', 'columnName', false);
(4) set cell value
$("#grid").jqxGrid('setcellvalue', row, "columnName", 'valueToReplace');
(D) Methods
(1) bindingcomplete method will be get called when grid refreshes after loading for first time
$("#jqxgrid").on('bindingcomplete', function (event) {
(2) cellvaluechanging: this will be an event we can get when grid is having editable cell value and to perform any functionality we can write it out this metho
cellvaluechanging: function (row, datafield, columntype, oldvalue, newvalue) {
if (newvalue != oldvalue) {
// perform any operation here when value get changed from old to new
Have came across to these many properties, methods, events but there are some more that need to investigate and once its done will add those as well.
(A) For columns to customize below are some of the customized workaround
(1) To set customized header of column
renderer: columnrenderer
var columnrenderer = function (value) {
return '<div style="text-align: center; margin-top: 5px;">' + value + '</div>';
(2) To set customized cell value for items
cellsrenderer: cellsrenderer
var cellsrenderer = function (row, column, value) {
return '<div style="text-align: center; margin-top: 5px;">' + value + '</div>';
(3) To give class to cell row
cellclassname: "verticalAlign"
vertical-align: middle;
(4) To have column of type of checkbox,
columntype: "checkbox"
- in this case, the field associated with column must be a boolean
- there are many column types there like dropdownlist etc.
(5) To have filter type of boolean
filtertype: "bool"
(6) For boolean checkbox to filter
threestatecheckbox: true
(7) To make header text alignment
align: 'center'
(8) To format cell value
cellsformat: "dd/MM/yyyy"
(9) type: 'number' with
cellsformat: ‘p’
- to view column data in percentage
cellsformat: 'c'
- to view column data in $ sign
(10) To get any cell value
$("#grid").jqxGrid('getcellvalue', rowIndex, 'columnName');
(11) To set any cell value
$("#grid").jqxGrid('setcellvalue', rowIndex, "columnName", value);
(B) Grid Properties
(1) Set row height property of the grid
rowsheight: 30
(2) Set row height to auto height
autorowheight:true & autoheight:true
(3) Set grid column height
(4) To resize columns
columnsresize: true
(5) To enable paging for the grid
(6) To enable filter functionality
filterable: true
(7) To enable separate filter row
showfilterrow: false
(8) To enable sort functionality
sortable: true
(9) To enable groupable functionality
groupable: true
(10) To enable separate group row
showgroupsheader: true
(11) columns reordering for grid when there are multiple columns
(12) To edit single cell
(13) When to edit
(C) Dynamic
(1) set column property dynamically
$("#jqxgrid").jqxGrid('setcolumnproperty', 'columnName', 'width', 300);
(2) show/hide grid column
$("#jqxgrid").jqxGrid('hidecolumn', "columnName");
(3) cell endedit mode
$("#grid").jqxGrid('endcelledit', 'value', 'columnName', false);
(4) set cell value
$("#grid").jqxGrid('setcellvalue', row, "columnName", 'valueToReplace');
(D) Methods
(1) bindingcomplete method will be get called when grid refreshes after loading for first time
$("#jqxgrid").on('bindingcomplete', function (event) {
(2) cellvaluechanging: this will be an event we can get when grid is having editable cell value and to perform any functionality we can write it out this metho
cellvaluechanging: function (row, datafield, columntype, oldvalue, newvalue) {
if (newvalue != oldvalue) {
// perform any operation here when value get changed from old to new
Have came across to these many properties, methods, events but there are some more that need to investigate and once its done will add those as well.
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